Category Archives: Clothing

Clothing that is wearable art.

On the Fringe of Fiber @ Art in City Hall

Kathryn Pannepacker curated the “On the Fringe of Fiber” exhibit @ Art in City Hall, filling each of the luminous new display cases with cutting edge fiber arts from the elegant to the extreme, blobby constructs and wearable art to crafts and fine art, fluidly mixed together in an eleoquent statement on the state of the arts in fiber.  On the Fringe of Fiber is on floors two and four of the historic building; art is truly integral to Philadelphia, Art in City Hall in a real gift to the city and it’s artists.


 On the Fringe of Fiber @ Art in City Hall.  The dress on the left is shredded paper – Bjork would LoVe it! The dresses were done by Lesley Haas and the middle fiber piece was marvelously done by Duane Weber.  The display cases are right outside Mayor Nutter’s office on the 2nd floor.


Pat diPaula Klein, stitched by hand over several months with cotton floss on linen, the process and the materials speak of women’s work, texture and time, rhythm and repetition (catalog).


On the Fringe of Fiber @ Art in City Hall. 

Footsteps – Alumnae Exhibit @ Moore College of Art & Design


Ladies, DoN knows you will LoVe, lOvE, LoVe this show.  Shoes, nothing but shoes – hundreds of them.  This little number, “In Bloom“, is by Kathryn Myers Gilbert.  Moore College of Art & Design is on the Parkway @ 20th Street.

Lenape Lifeways: A Lecture by Carla & Allan Messinger @ Da Vinci Art Alliance

It feels appropriate to post this story on Thanksgiving since tonight DoN ate many of the native foods these two very interesting and entertaining historians described. Sunday, October 23rd, Alden Cole and DoN attended a splendid lecture by Carla and Allan Messinger who presented fascinating information about the Lenape Tribe, “The Original People“.  The hour was packed with so much information so pertinent to our current situation in America including the notion that by Autumn the people would have stored enough food to last until June of the following year (Economist Suzy Ormond recommends one have enough funds stashed to last eight months – hmmmm), that in 1737 the Indians were perpetrated a hoax when they were promised land forever (sounds like Bush’s ownership society hoax – hmmm), 45% of modern medicine is derived from native American plants (hmmm) and that if it were not for the Indians we wouldn’t know about beans, squash, tomatoes, chocolate or corn (yummm!).

Carla & Allan Messinger @ Da Vinci Art Alliance.

Carla & Allan Messinger @ Da Vinci Art Alliance.

Indian artifacts on display @ Lenape Lifeways lecture.

Indian artifacts on display @ Lenape Lifeways lecture.  The Messingers described a full cultural life that worked with the land and respected its resources and explained lessons remembered from the people who originally occupied the banks of the Delaware.  A people who mastered the art of survival.

Carla Messinger (a Lenape descendant) displaying authentic garb.  The lecture was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council, you can learn more at

Carla Messinger (a Lenape descendant) displaying authentic garb.  The lecture was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council, you can learn more at

Lenape objects

Lenape oject d’art.

Carla Messinger and david Foss

Carla Messinger and David Foss @ Da Vinci Art Alliance.


Happy Thanksgiving.




4th Fridays on 4th Street

Supermodel Mike invited DoN to visit Jinxed Clothing to meet artist Tim Diet and toy designer/artist  Mr. Shane Jessup.  Tim Diet is a NYC based artist who creates super-pop art featuring icons of advertising and cartoons; “Where’s the Beef?” features the Hamburgler, Wendy, Wimpy and more, “Menace to Society” stars Dennis and other trouble-makers.  Diet’s style is to paint with acrylics on stretched canvas and create a masterful mash-up of cheery icons designed to make us buy stuff that’s not really that good for us.Tim Diet  

Tim Diet with his paintings @ Jinxed.

Acrylic Boxes by Tim Diet

Acrylic Boxes by Tim Diet @ Jinxed (that’s Leanne Biank working on her entry for The Rolling Canvas Art Collective presented by Fuji Bikes which opens Friday @ Jinxed).

Acrylic Box by Tim Diet @ Jinxed.

Acrylic Box by Tim Diet @ Jinxed.

Tim Diet and Jinxed owner Supermodel Mike.

Tim Diet and Jinxed owner Supermodel Mike.

“Words that Hurt” paintings by Mr. Shane Jessup @ Jinxed.

Words that Hurt” paintings by Mr. Shane Jessup @ Jinxed.

Mr. Shane Jessup is a toy designer for Kid Robot planet Earth’s premier creator & retailer of limited edition toys, clothing, mini-figures, artwork & books.  Jessup designs three-D toys in Illustrator, the vinyl toys are manufactured overseas, refined back here in the states and then sold to kids and collectors alike and are currently a big hit at ComicCon in San Diego.  The toys are Super-Kawai bunnies, robots, punks and monsters – DoN LoVes them all!  You can buy a box of 24 figurines some of which are rare and collectable – then you have to network with other collectors to find the special ones you need to complete your collection.  Start by shopping at Jinxed, you’re sure to find something deliciously wacky to start your collection.Painting and vinyl figurines by Mr. Shane Jessup @ Jinxed Phildelphia.

Painting and vinyl figurines by Mr. Shane Jessup @ Jinxed Phildelphia.

Jinxed Philadelphia on 4th Street, South of South Street.

Jinxed Philadelphia on 4th Street, South of South Street.

Next, DoN stopped in Digital Ferret CDs because of the crowd of punks outside; it’s so cool that punk is not dead, super-high platform boots, black leather and pink Mohawks will never go out of style. Digital Ferret CDs is one of America’s leading music retailers and mail order houses for 80s, Ambient/Techno, Industrial, Electronica, Gothic, Metal, Trip-Hop, World Fusion and Experimental Music.  Inside the shop was rocking to the sounds of Philadelphia’s own Society Hill, kind of a mash-up of punk, funk and grunge – really fresh and clean – lead singer Dwight was totally unintelligible – fabulous!  Check out Society Hill’s MySpace Page to learn more about the band.

4th Friday on 4th Street is really fun with jewelry vendors, stained glass, art and clothes for sale on the sidewalk – and parties everywhere.  Let’s ROCK!

All photographs by DoNBrewerMultimedia Photography