As DoN listens to DJ PolishedSolid‘s weekly internet radio broadcast on, the adrenaline from the past few days is dispersing with the music. The set this week is called Violent Silence, a genre hopping music mix with violence as this week’s theme. Maybe it’s the full moon but some folks are acting crazy as a Zombie Apocalypse out there.
As you might imagine, DoN‘s e-mail inbox is maxed out – over 10,000 un-read messages! With house-keeping in mind, DoN un-subscribed to dozens of newsletters and deleted hundreds of messages without malice of intent. All of the newsletters thanked me for my patronage – except one. DoN opened an e-mail thinking it would be another “are you sure?” message and instead it said, “Since you are being such an ass about things please unsubscribe “name withheld” form you banal reviews.” Note the typos.
DoNArTNeWs had reviewed this artist’s work about a dozen times over the years; all posts mentioning the artist have been deleted from this blog. To be clear, DoN receives no compensation for writing this blog. In fact, it costs money to maintain this site, travel to events and post blog stories. Even though the site has advertising through Amazon and, the niche market DoN writes about does not produce any income. DoN writes for his own enjoyment, intellectual development and support for the Philadelphia art community he loves.
If you are using social media to promote your art, take it from DoN, insulting your promoters will not bring you more business or happiness. DoNArTNeWs will continue to post reviews about art in the most positive light possible, focussing on emerging artists, small galleries and studios. If a story about you doesn’t get posted, it’s not that DoN doesn’t like you or your work, only that time has run out since DoN is an army of one. Except for the wonderful Jeff Stroud who shares his photography with us with grace and gratitude.
In the coming days DoN will be posting stories about Michelle Post‘s Tronies show at Da Vinci Art Alliance, More Photographs About Buildings and Food at Gallery 339, Robert Bohne at Artists’ House Gallery, the fabulous show of drawings at The Philadelphia Sketch Club curated by Bill Scott and Alex Kanevsky and more, more more…this is the 496th blog post on DoNArTNeWs. Thanks DJ PolishedSolid for the inspiration.
Written and Photographed by DoN Brewer
Follow DoN on Twitter @DoNNieBeat58
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