2008 has been a big year for DoN: co-chair of the Absolutely Abstract committee at The Philadelphia Sketch Club, membership in the Plastic Club and the Da Vinci Art Alliance, paintings, drawings and photos included in shows at Off the Wall Gallery @ Dirty Franks and First Impressions in Salem NJ, a one-person show at The Beauty Shop Cafe, produced videos for Paul DuSold, Henry Martin and the Philadelphia Sketch Club, DoNArTNeWs is part of Culture Pundits and a successful open studio as part of Philadelphia Open Studio Tours.
DoN with his grand-niece Jaelyn in Florida for the holidays.
DoN has made so many new friends in the art world and is grateful to all who have supported his artistic ambitions. A new member to DoN‘s family along with Katy the ArT DoG is Doofie the Saint Bernard/Chihuahua mix who came to live with us because GadFly left our plane of existence to pester angels in the afterworld. It was a difficult decision made quickly to include such a large animal in a tiny row house but Doof has brought so much love and affection to Katy and DoN that all the dog hair is worth it. In these tough economic times it’s so important to help rescue animals from shelters; KaTy the ArT DoG is a rescue and the love she shares and the protection and safety DoN feels in her company is worth any price.Thanks and LoVe to Shoshana, Aldy, lola, Dee, John, David Foss, Barbara Murray, Mike Guinn, Lilliana Didovic, Karl Olsen, Anders Hansen, Mina Smith-Segal, everyone @ Center for Emerging Visual Artists, Helen & Joe, Debbie, and many others including my family who have whole-heartedly supported DoN throughout the year.
Peace & LoVe