Monthly Archives: January 2009

Darla Jackson vs. Anne Canfield @ CFEVA

Darla Jackson vs. Anne Canfield @ the Center for Emerging Visual Artists is just that – a bare knuckled cage-fight between two contemporary Philly artists, a grrl-fight for attention, a battle of wits and inventiveness, like a schoolyard brawl with each girl trying to rip out the others pierced earrings.  In one corner is Anne Canfield throwing punches with quirky drawings and mythological paintings and in the other corner is Darla Jackson doing body slams with bold black graphic sculpture.

Anne Canfield tells DoN that her imagery is born of anxiety, “the Cat is safe but could turn on you.”  Anne has developed her own visual language relying on memory and is not true to nature, that’s not what she’s going for – her mark-making is assured and brushwork amusing, like reading a favorite book.  The small cat is sometimes writ large in Canfield’s images often with a small girl (perhaps a self portrait), each staring at the other as if they were, “facing God

Darla Jackson, known for her sculptures of animals wearing the masks of other animals (say a bunny with a crow face mask), here invites familiar animals to witness the party in the apartment-like gallery.  Birds, kitties, bunnies, even a life sized deer inhabit the human dwelling, decked out in festive party hats, making a mess of the place as if they were partying just a little too hard.  Jackson goes for the knockout with the deer laying on the floor; life sized and appearing to be solid black metal, the scene is poignant with gallery visitors tiptoeing around the specimen, the deer’s simple red party hat knocked askew.  By anthropomorphizing the animals, Jackson brings the creatures out of hiding making them observers of the strange creatures called humans. 

Anne Canfield  

Anne Canfield @ CFEVA.

Anne Canfield

Anne Canfield @ CFEVA. 

Anne Canfield’s “The Mermaid and the Tiger Meet Halfway”, oil on linen. 

Anne Canfield with her painting, “The Mermaid and the Tiger Meet Halfway“, oil on linen.

Darla Jackson 

Darla Jackson @ CFEVA. 

Darla Jackson 

Party animals @ the CFEVA.  Sculpture installation by Darla Jackson.

 Darla Jackson 

Darla JacksonCFEVA.  

The battle continues through February 16th in the Felicity R. (Bebe) Benoliel Gallery. 

Bob (R.B.) Strauss

Art critic, writer and poet Bob (R.B.) Strauss passed away January 13th, 2009.  Strauss was an enthusiastic supporter of the Philadelphia region art scene and was a presence at The Philadelphia Sketch Club, The Plastic Club, the Da Vinci Art Alliance and much more.  Bob’s wit and wisdom, cultured eye and edgy writing style will be missed by many area artists.


17 @ Twenty-Two Gallery

Twenty-Two Gallery @ 236 22nd Street in Philadelphia has a long history of exhibiting (and selling) excellent paintings and since the showcase has become an artist collective the bar has been raised even higher.  Owner Shawn Murray collaborated with artist Diane Podolsky to install a group show of superior quality with some of Philadelphia’s best artists.  Plus the artistry with which the work is displayed makes viewing even more enjoyable with excellent lighting, thoughtful groupings and perfect eye level hanging; with the huge front window offering a glimpse of what’s inside, the gallery is a great place to show and be seen.  DoN stopped in the gallery last Sunday to meet many of the artists and was truly impressed by the variety and quality of the art.

Artists included in the show are Alison Altergott, Ed Bronstein, Valerie Carroll, Eric Fausnacht, Megan Greenholt, Nancy E. F. Halbert, Carter Leidy, Dale Levy, Ed Marston, William Middleton, Bruce Murray, Sr., Diane Podolsky, Bonnie Schorske, Jerome Schwartz, Michael Smith, Lauren Sweeney and Reta Sweeney.  Ed Bronstein’s plein aire paintings of Philly are true collectables, Ed Marston’s painting of a ramshackle seaside hut is filled with light, Diane Podolsky’s pastels are mysterious and haunting, Eric Fausnacht’s rooster paintings are decorative and evocative with bold color and brushwork creating a surrealistic vision of the common bird and speaking of birds, Bonnie Schorske’s pigeon photos are a hoot especially when you learn the history of the urban pests.

Gallery hours are Wednesday through Sunday noon to 6:00 PM, the Members’ Exhibition at Twenty-Two Gallery is open through February 11th. 

Bonnie Schorske @ 22 

Bonnie Schorske‘s pigeon photos @ Twenty-Two Gallery.

 22 Gallery

Ed Marston‘s oil painting @ Twenty-Two Gallery.

Ed Bronstein

Ed Bronstein @ 22 Gallery.   

Gallery 22

Michael Smith @ 22 Gallery. 

Gallery 22 

Valerie Carroll @ Twenty-Two Gallery. 

Gallery 22 

Eric Fausnacht @ Twenty-Two Gallery. 

gallery 22  

Diane Podolsky @ 22 Gallery. 

Sarah Kolker @ The 10th Street Laundromat

The 10th Street Laundromat is the “coolest” laundromat in Philly.  Owner Lisa Budnick lets artists install a show in the maze of rooms and then hosts a party.  DoN showed up early since it was about 19 degrees outside and he knew if he went home after Jim Bloom’s show @ Vivant in Old City he wouldn’t go back out.  Being early at the South Philly corner of 10th & Elsworth allowed DoN to get some face time with self taught artist Sarah Kolker about the work she installed throughout the laundry.  While we chatted Lisa and Sarah set up party supplies while customers washed and folded clothes and DJ Under set up the sound system.

Sarah is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, was born and raised in Philly and studied in Jamaica, Philadelphia and NYC.  Sarah has worked with well-known mosaic tile artist Isaiah Zagar, the Philadelphia Mural Arts ProgramGroundswell Community Mural Project and completed a Create Change Artist in Residency with The Laundromat Project in New York – thus the connection with 10th Street Laundromat.  She also participated in HOAST (Harlem Open Artist Studio Tours) – cool, huh? 

And speaking of cool – the monthly art party is so much fun with food and drink, hipsters and regular folk, art on clothes-lines and spinning dryers with DJ Under spinning old school music from DoN’s youth (Blondie, Devo, Bob Marley…). Sarah’s friends from Philly and NYC were dancing and mingling, laughing and hugging, kissing and giggling at the kids ogling the weirdos – DoN insists you get on the 10th Street Laundromat mailing list and you, too, can be cool!

Sarah Kolker @ The 10th Street Laundromat

 Sarah Kolker @ The 10th Street Laundromat

Sarah Kolker @ The 10th Street Laundromat

 Sarah Kolker @ The 10th Street Laundromat

Sarah Kolker @ The 10th Street Laundromat

Sarah Kolker @ The 10th Street Laundromat 

Sarah Kolker @ The 10th Street Laundromat

Sarah Kolker @ The 10th Street Laundromat 




Jim Bloom’s “Them” @ Vivant Art Collection

DoN has written about other shows by artist Jim Bloom at Home & Planet in Bethlehem, PA and Outsider Folk Art in Reading PA but the current show called “Them” at Vivant Art Collection, 60 N. 2nd St., Philly is a tour de force.  Bloom has a knack of poking a stick in the eye of cultural prejudices from gender issues to homophobia to obesity; Jim’s brutalist painting style highlights how words and attitudes can be painful and ridiculous.  The one-person show includes portraiture but the works using words are particularly powerful and poetic.  One large canvas shows a smiling couple clicking a snapshot of them outside a concentration camp as if they were visiting Disneyland, another lampoons stereotypes of effeminacy and homophobia and another painting highlights how words are often just so much noise.

Florcy Morisset, the owner/curator of Vivant Art Collection, is thrilled with this year’s first show, telling DoN that she can date the century of a painting by the design of a face in a painting and that Bloom’s socially incorrect subject matter shows how we all are included in “Them”.  Bloom told DoN he was “discovered” by Robert Bullock of Coalition Ingenu introducing him to George Veiner of Outsider Folk Art Gallery who immediately purchased his entire collection for his gallery.  Since then, Bloom has been able to move forward from painting on found objects such as cardboard boxes and paper plates to canvas’ but the vibrancy and irreverence remains.  “Them” is on exhibit through the end of January.  

Jim Bloom 

Jim Bloom @ Vivant Art Collection.

Jim Bloom

Light Green Hat“, Jim Bloom @ Vivant Art Collection. 

 Jim Bloom’s “Them” @ Vivant Art Collection 

Paintings by Jim BloomVivant Art Collection in Old City.