Monthly Archives: September 2011

Haus of DoN – Philadelphia Open Studio Tour 2011, West of Broad Street, October 1st & 2nd

 Haus of DoN - Philadelphia Open Studio Tour 2011

Super Nova, Photoshop collage, digital print, DoN Brewer, 2011

Decorating the Haus of DoN has been very gratifying, reinforcing the DoN brand with his abstract landscape photographs, including the “light being” series, original graphic prints and oil paintings, setting tableau’s and displays throughout the studio and is ready for visitors.  DoN’s body of work has grown substantially, DoN’s first creative job was Display Manager for a department store retail chain in the 1970’s, tapping into those skills has been nostalgic and liberating, marketing DoN‘s product line like he did in the garden department at J.M. Fields.  Usually DoN’s major art works are packed and ready to show when opportunities arise and the Haus is decorated with the works of DuSold, DuPree, Stango and outsider artist Danny Gayder, the work of Masters influencing the path of DoN’s interests and goals.  The DoN collection would not exist if not for the influences of artist friends and mentors as well as collectors, helping refine DoN’s eye and continue art production with confidence.  After weeks of preparation DoN is looking forward optimistically for a delightful weekend of seeing old and new friends and sharing his art.  


The Haus of DoN is dedicated to all the artists participating in Philadelphia Open Studio Tours 2011; DoN understands the aches and pains of finishing projects, solving problems and decision-making involved in making an art work space inviting to visitors.  Thank you to the Center for Emerging Visual Artists for undertaking the task of organizing the citywide art event that is unique to Philadelphia.  Thank you to all the readers of DoNArTNeWs and Philly.SideArts; DoN is grateful to all the artists who share their skills, talents and stories for the art enthusiasts not just in Philly but around the world who follow DoN‘s incursions into the realms of the art world throughout the city.  This weekend is also the opening of a month long exhibition by the Photographic Society of Philadelphia, the oldest photography society in America, at the Plastic Club with opening receptions each Sunday afternoon 2:00 – 5:00 PM; DoN has two favorite photographs included in the prestigious show of fine art photography.


A special shout-out to DoN‘s nephew Bud Irwin serving in the Army in Afghanistan; knowing Buddy’s marching across arid desert mountains loaded with gear makes DoN stronger and braver to make new work, produce more videos, write more reviews, do more crunches at the gym and plan challenging new projects for the future.  Philadelphia Open Studio Tours 2011 is an opportunity to be optimistic, to brush off the haters, ignore the art bullies, defy the critics, escape the economic reality and be free to be an artist living, working and producing art in America.  The Haus of DoN, 2028 Pemberton Street, welcomes you.





Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery

Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery

Font Hill Manor, oil on panel, Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery

Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery

Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery.

Little Boulder Creek, oil on canvas and Hedgerow, oil on panel by Edward Marston.

Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery

Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery.

Pretty Lady, oil on canvas and Boulder Field, oil on panel.

Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery

Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery.

Home Gone, plexiglass and wood.

Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery

Edward Marston, Infrastructure @ Twenty-Two Gallery.

Edward Marston explained to DoN why he was so happy about the painting in the window of Gallery Twenty-Two, “Schuylkill Expressway belongs in the window because it belongs in Philadelphia, it’s local. And it shows the freight trains and the Schuylkill Expressway in twilight and it brings home what I feel about that area. “  DoN asked if Marston was intentionally tapping into the market for Philadelphia art or if it was a more personal painting?  “I’ve been coming to Philadelphia since I was a kid, I grew up in the suburbs but it’s been my main destination as far as urban goes. And I think it’s absolutely a lovely city and fascinating architecture and every time I turn around I see something new.  Almost all of the paintings are plein air or draw first plein air and I use drawings as a reference.  None of them are photographic renderings.” 

DoN inquired how Edward Marston feels about being a landscape painter in the 21st Century?  “This is what I do.  They’re landscape paintings but they’re not an idyllic trip to the past.  I think a lot about these paintings and they all comment on the contemporary scene, I’m aware of what I’m doing. When I paint something that’s coming apart, it’s something that maybe shouldn’t be coming apart or it’s a comment on a thing that shouldn’t be.  Old roads, that you wouldn’t know was a road; I recognize them as ancient roads and everything resonates as far as I’m concerned, it’s all today.”

Photographs by DoN.

Prelude Gallery – DoNArTNeWs Interviews Gaby Heit

Prelude Gallery uses QR codes to help patrons learn more, Gaby Heit explains how she’s using them to promote artists.  HD Video, watch in full screen mode

DoNBrewerMultimedia Video

DoNArTNeWs Interview – Ann Koivunen, Philadelphia Open Studio Tours, Top Tips for Artists

Ann Koivunen is the Director of Studio Tours and Exhibitions for Philadelphia Open Studio Tours, one of the top art events of its kind in the USA.  Ann offers great advice on what to do and what not to do to have a successful, fun event.  The clip is nine minutes, so get a cup of coffee and sit a spell, Ann has a wonderful perspective on POST.   DoNBrewerMultimedia is participating in POST 2011, October 1 & 2, 12 – 6:00PM, check the awesome on-line resources for information on neighborhoods and events at the POST website.

Download Microsoft Silverlight

Video by DoNBrewerMultimedia

Photographic Society of Philadelphia @ Cafe Twelve featuring Karen Schlechter

Photographic Society of Philadelphia @ Cafe Twelve featuring Karen Schlechter

Karen Schechter is a relatively new member of the Photographic Society of Philadelphia but she is enjoying the society debut show at their new permanent showplace, Café Twelve, 212 S 12th St, Philadelphia 19107, in the heart of the Philly’s famous Gayborhood, with great long walls to show art and an inviting casual vibe.  DoN asked Karen how she felt about having a PSoP show? “It’s very nice because it’s the first one I’ve had and I have another one coming up that I’m hanging next week.  One falling on the heels of the other is awesome.”  DoN commented on the style of the collection of photographs in the lounge area of the café, “I work primarily in black and white but do some color, the first half of this show, which isn’t up anymore was more color pieces.  I go from muted color to extremely vibrant.” Karen showed DoN a lovely close-up photograph of a hydrangea flower with its lurid red silkiness and delicate stamen.

Photographic Society of Philadelphia @ Cafe Twelve featuring Karen Schlechter

Photographic Society of Philadelphia @ Cafe Twelve featuring Karen Schlechter 

“I used to do everything on film and sadly had to get rid of my dark room a couple years ago as I finally made the complete switch-over to digital; it’s sad but it’s convenient.  I can go though things a lot quicker, I can process things a lot quicker.”  Schlechter is working with Photoshop, the dark room experience gave her a grounded background for using the digital tools.  The collection of gear went to a friend’s daughter studying fine art photography.  “It’s so nice to be able to sit in a coffee shop and go through my photos and go from there.”

Karen Schlechter got involved with PSoP because she was previously a member of the Delaware County Camera Club, which had a different focus towards improvement of skills via competition as to the education bent of the Philly Society.  “I was missing the camaraderie and exchanging ideas.  And it was a wonderful gift from my boyfriend.”

Photographic Society of Philadelphia @ Cafe Twelve featuring Karen Schlechter

Photographic Society of Philadelphia @ Cafe Twelve featuring Karen Schlechter

Photographic Society of Philadelphia @ Cafe Twelve featuring Karen Schlechter

The Photographic Society of Philadelphia meets Second Tuesdays at Café Twelve; a wide array of photographs by Philadelphia fine art photographers and a solo show by featured photographer Karen Schlechter  is on exhibit with new work being installed every other month.  The evening DoN met Karen was rainy and miserable but sipping coffee and talking about photography with friends is worth wet feet.

Photos taken with DoN‘s iPhone.