Daily Archives: September 7, 2011

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed, I Fall and I Rise @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed, I Fall and I Rise @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery 

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed, I Fall and I Rise @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery

Totally Exposed, I Fall and I Rise, is titled because obviously I’m exposed, I’m naked but it’s also about being exposed to the elements, the effects of time.”  Sarah R. Bloom, a beautiful fresh face, says with a sigh, “I’m coming to grips with aging, thinking about cycles of aging, for me, it’s been this sort of non-linear pattern of resistance and acceptance.  I came to the stages of grief, not exactly but similar to, fearful denying…”  DoN interrupts her and complements her youthful beauty and questions why the artist is experiencing Erikson‘s sixth of the seven stages of life: Middle Adulthood: 35 to 55 or 65 Ego Development Outcome: Generativity vs. Self absorption or Stagnation?  “People keep saying that to me but I am 42.  Just knowing other women at this age and while I felt I had a lot of time left, there are a lot of hormonal changes that start happening that I’ve noticed in myself.  Being interested in self portraits maybe I’m more hyper-aware of myself and changes I’m going through that other people might be.  And being in recovery, maybe, I’m more self aware because I had to go through a whole set of processes to start fixing things.  So all those things combined that when it just so happened I was getting into the abandoned thing when I turned forty.”

Sarah R. Bloom understands other photographers shoot in abandoned buildings, or shoot models but Bloom shoots self-portraits with a DIY attachment to her camera that allows her to set-up remotely, take the picture and the camera will delay, then take several shots; genius.  The result is a gallery filled with emotionally raw, sexually charged, deeply personal representations of one woman but she represents all women who watch the world crumbling around us.  “I struggle to show the similarities; I’m still vain, somewhat.  Obviously.  But this last year struggling to shoot, while be more raw in my poses and still create a nice image but not worry so much about, do I look pretty? Because that’s not what it’s about.”  So how did you not fall into despair when the choice came to be generative?  “I think recovery started that, I never really thought about that until now.  I guess I started despair way early maybe, I mean my whole twenties were a wreck, pretty much, so then being in recovery, almost sixteen years sober, and also part of age is accepting things and having that self awareness of processing a lot of stuff.  I recognize that this age is a time when I would have physical feelings of feeling different, the body doesn’t bounce back as quickly from things.  I dunno, um, it was either it was a choice to decide, I don’t want to be in that place anymore.  And part of it is I feel like I’m running out of time.”

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed, I Fall and I Rise  @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed, I Fall and I Rise @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery

Sarah R. Bloom, Totally Exposed, I Fall and I Rise @ Da Vinci Art Alliance Gallery.

Photographic self-portraits taken in abandoned buildings


704 Catherine Street
Philadelphia, Pa.



Photos by DoN.