Endangered Seasons, Amie Potsic at The Borowsky Gallery
Turn Here: ARTISTS PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS is an installation of photography at The Borowsky Gallery in the Gershman Y at the corner of Pine Street and Avenue of the Arts focussing attention on the world’s disintegration of the familiar. Amie Potsic installed more than fifty yards of draped multi-colored silk printed with her signature tree photographs. Using trees as a metaphor of our connection to the earth, Amie expands the dialog from landscape photography to multimedia installation, the translucent silk, rich with color and detail, creating memes of a global scale.
Endangered Seasons, Amie Potsic at The Borowsky Gallery
Even though Amie Potsic shoots most of her photographs in Philadelphia, the sense of orientalism pervades the images with Asian references co-opted for the effect of a global view. The silk was printed in Pennsylvania. The layers of fabric play off each other like splashes of paint in bursts of expressionism yet there is a conservatism to the presentation which triggers ideas. Like: that would make a great shirt, that would look fabulous in my dining room, scarves, of course, and furniture. The trees symbolize community, work, aspirations, beauty and the fabric represents production, utilitarianism and use of resources.
Endangered Seasons, Amie Potsic at The Borowsky Gallery
Endangered Seasons was previously exhibited in Greece, imagine the lustrous silk in the Mediterranean light, offering an even broader global provenance to the piece. Like branches of thought the artwork spirals like a fractal, the closer you look the more it changes, patterns of connection and disconnection guiding the viewer gently into a deeper state of understanding. Rooted in the concern for a planetary phenomenon that is sure to affect her family, Amie Potsic creates photographs that resonate on multiple levels of consciousness and awareness, subtly traditional yet leaving the viewer with questions of sustainability, containment and collaboration on a massively global scale.
Endangered Seasons, Amie Potsic at The Borowsky Gallery
Read more about Turn Here: ARTISTS PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS at SideArts.com Philadelphia Art Blog, Cassandra Alyse Hoo‘s post “Turn Here” Is A Moving Environmental Exhibit at The Gershman Y’s Borowsky Gallery comprehensively approaches the theme of environmental change devastatingly portrayed in this important art show.
Amie Potsic is now Executive Director of Main Line Arts Center. Congratulations on this deserved opportunity. Thank you for your guidance and encouragement for my art career and writing. Let’s make some art news.
Main Line Media News coverage.
Written and Photographed by DoN Brewer
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