Category Archives: Philadelphia Art Alliances

Philadelphia groups of artists working together to dreate opportunities for exhibitions, information sharing and support.

Da Vinci Art Alliance’s Envisioning Hamlet @ The Lantern Theater Company

Envisioning Hamlet is an art show by members of Philadelphia’s Da Vinci Art Alliance based on Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” currently being performed at the Lantern Theater to rave reviews. Several months ago, Charles McMahon, the creative director of Lantern Theater spoke at the club and explained his concept for staging the play; set in a post WW1 dystopian landscape, the play draws the audience into the diabolical circle of deception, madness and death.

More than 30 works of art are on display in the black box theater in the basement of Saint Stephen’s Theater @ 10th & Ludlow Streets ranging from neo-expressionism to abstraction to mixed media construction and impressionism. The art show is open through May 3rd, the play has been extended through May 17th.




light being (Ophelia)” & “Denmark“, digital photographs by DoN Brewer.



Mina Smith-Segal @ Saint Stephen Theater’s Envisioning Hamlet.


Dr. Deb Miller, president of the Da Vinci Art Alliance, jurors Charles McMahon, creative director of Lantern Theater Company, lighting designer Drew Billiau and scenic designer Dirk Durossette.



Best in Show: Chinoros Roongsakul‘s, Sin, acrylic on canvas.



Alden Cole‘s, “Oh, that this too, too Solid Flesh“, oil on panel.



Themes of madness, despair, symbolism and love permeate Envisioning Hamlet, the gallery is in the lower level of Saint Stephen’s Theater.

Second place awarded to Bud Boehringer, third place, Debra Miller, honorable mentions: DoN Brewer, Maria Keane and Ted Warchal.

Dale Levy – Metaphors @ TwentyTwo Gallery


TwentyTwo Gallery is an artist collective, each member exhibits a semi-annual one-person show and is included in on-going group shows. Dale Levy’s colorful abstractions are currently energizing the space with splashy color, nature forms, cartological references, homages to Frankenthaler and Pollack, and metaphorical inferences drizzeled across the large canvases. Levy makes painting look like fun.



Dale Levy @ TwentyTwo Gallery. Levy cleverly titles each piece with her initials and a number, acrylic on canvas.



Dale Levy @ TwentyTwo Gallery, looking like a map from outer space, this painting actually does reference real locations. DoN thinks part of this image represents Sardinia with the orange dot a volcano.



Dale Levy hosted her opening @ TwentyTwo Gallery on a beautiful Spring evening. Shawn Murray and Diane Podolsky once again have installed a superior show; TwentyTwo has some of the best lighting and display of any gallery in the city.

Betsy & Burnell’s Art House @ Salon des Amis

Betsy Alexander and Burnell Yow! of Ravenswing Studio are art collectors, their home is filled with beautiful objects of all kinds and even had a recent story about their eclectic decorating style in the Philadelphia Inquirer. The duo have recreated their art house at Salon des Amis in Malvern, asking all of their friends who have contributed to their collection to show new work in the gallery. Sunday was beautiful weather and a large gathering of their friends arrived at the gallery to find the space filled with work by more than 40 artists.


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Luminary artist, Alden Cole @ Art House in Salon des Amis.

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Linda Lou Horn @ Salon des Amis for the Art House opening in Malvern.

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Eileen Feigenbaum,The Blue Lady”, oil on canvas.

DoN Brewer, “light being (Rick Selvin)”, digital photograph.

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The art crowd for Betsy Alexander and Burnell Yow!’s Art House @ Salon des Amis in Malvern.

Thank you Betsy and Burnell, it’s already nice just being friends with you both but when you do something so special like this art show it re-enforces the bond even more. Salon des Amis means House of Friends – so apropos!





Peace sign made from shredded money @ Art x 7 @ 6th & South Streets, the exhibit is elegant and edgy with strange points of view and exaggerated reality. The gallery is part of the new South Street Renaissance, superb photos by Susan Arthur Whitson and Keith Sharp.


Kathryn Pannepacker @ The Philadelphia Dumpster Divers in Outsiders Folk Art. This piece includes woven paper matches, the kind you light cigs with; Pannepacker knows how to ignite a conversation, her peace/heart is ready to burst into flames.

Photo by DoN.