Category Archives: Philadelphia Art Alliances

Philadelphia groups of artists working together to dreate opportunities for exhibitions, information sharing and support.

“PLASTIC AT THE PLASTIC” Women’s Caucus for Art, Members Exhibition

 The Women’s Caucus for the Arts is exhibiting “Plastic at the Plastic” @ The Plastic Club on Camac Street, a mixed media show of beautiful objects and images.  Diana Riukas and Pam Flynn have special exhibits.  The Women’s Caucus for Art is a National Organization of women artists, art historians, curators, collectors, art educators and museum professionals – the show runs through 3/29/09.

plastic @ plastic

plastic @ plastic

Virginia Maksymowicz, “Pane Trasparente“, installation of 30 small cast resin and photos. 

plastic @ plastic

PonderingsPam Flynn in the Tearoom @ The Plastic Club. 

plastic @ plastic

Art & artist.  Neurotica – Works by Diana Riukas in the Main room of The Plastic Club.


Dumpster Divers on South Street

An incredible thing has happened.  The business community of South Street offered empty store fronts to artists rent free if they pay the utilities; DoN first heard of this from David Foss, director of the Da Vinci Art Alliance.  The Dumpster Divers jumped at the chance and have installed an exciting mixed media art show of museum quality – a lot of the work has been exhibited in actual museums and are scheduled to show in upcoming museum shows.  The Grand Opening is March 15th but there’s plenty to absorb now as the huge space at 723 South Street is transformed.

DoN says when the grid goes down the artists will become the tribal leaders: storytellers, image makers, re-purposers, builders, makers, artists, musicians and those able to carry the history forward and preserve culture.

dumpster divers

Dumpster Divers on South Street.

dumpster Divers on South Street

Dumpster Diver outsider, couturier Shoshana Arons with Diver multimedia artist Alden Cole @ 723 South Street.

dumpster divers 

Burnell Yow!‘s “52 Collages in 52 Weeks” @ The Dumpster Divers installation on South Street.

dumpster divers 

Dumpster Divers @ Noyes Art Museum, Hammonton, NJ

Hammonton NJ is the self proclaimed blueberry capital of the world with a wonderfully quaint downtown district which has truly suffered from Wal-Martization.  Art to the rescue with the Noyes Museum occupying a lovely space with bright windows and unbroken sight lines.  The mysterious Dumpster Divers have been on display with a lavish installation of mixed media works of art that excites the senses and stirs old memories.  Saturday is the last day at the Noyes but then a lot of the work will move to 734 South Street, Philadelphia where the Dumpster Divers have taken over a vacant store front on the hippest street in town.

dumpster divers carol cole 

Carol Cole, “New Beginnings“, mixed media.  DoN was drawn into the luster of the paper mache eggs with the opalescent knobs, spikes and arrow forms creating a frame of strangeness; very desirable, chic and modern.

dumpster divers 

Ellen Sall, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds“, mixed media. 

dumpster divers Betsy Alexander 

Betsy Alexander’s crosses made from cds wonderfully mixes the magic of contemporary music distribution with ancient symbols.  Music was once held secret and sacred by the churches who recognized the power of aural input to influence behavior.  Betsy’s crosses sing a contemporary song with visual cues and signs, symbols and silence speak volumes. 

dumpster divers Aldy Cole

Alden Cole, “Eros Ex Machina”, mixed media @ The Noyes Museum gallery in Hammonton, NJ.   

 dumpster divers Aldy Cole 

Alden Cole’s, Divine Lorraine series is on display at various locales.  Cole’s use of wood is lavishly skillful, real love is applied to the surfaces of his creations. 


Burnell Yow!,La, Va, Ra, Ya“, mixed media @ Noyes Museum in Hammonton, NJ. 

William Lukens – Recent Paintings @ Da Vinci Art Alliance

William Lukens 

William LukensDa Vinci Art Alliance.

william Lukens 

 William Lukens @ Da Vinci Art Alliance.

DoN attended the lecture about Hamlet, the play & Romeo e Gulietta, the opera and noticed how marvelously these paintings complemented the discussion about language and story telling.  Lukens paintings reach out to the viewer with signing, signature and the signed – Karen Saillant, artistic director of the International Opera Company said her players must have “aus strahlung” – an emanation or outer radience.  Lukens ist wie äußere Strahlung zur Unendlichkeit und jenseits.



It’s a small, small World @ The Plastic Club

The opening reception at the Plastic Club this past Sunday for the small Worlds exhibition was very entertaining.  The membership of the club is so welcoming and warm, the food and wine so delicious and the art so extraordinary that it’s impossible to not have a good time.  With over 180 works in the show, virtually every Philly fine artist, whether aspiring or accomplished, was present; DoN said, “Hi”, to Doris Petzman, Sue Barnes, Reta Sweeney, Pat Monaghan and Cyna, Karl Olsen, Jym Paris, Eileen Eckstein, Morris Klein, Art Ostroff, Mina Smith-Segal, Rob Willis, Deb Weber, Mike Guinn, Bob Jackson and many more familiar faces that it will take DoN a while to remember all the names.

The awards were dominated by younger artists which DoN finds very satisfying considering the concentration of art schools in the ‘hood.

1st Prize David Golas, Self Portrait, A Closer Look

2nd Prize Jill Sprague

3rd Prize Louise LaFond

Honorable Mentions:  Lucy Pistilli, Robert Bohne and Nathan Irvin

Juror: Joseph Kazimierczyk.

small worlds 

1st Prize winner David Golas is an intensely personal self portrait. 

small worlds 

Photo by Rick Wright and 2 paintings by Reta Sweeney

small worlds   

A superb plein air by Sue Barnes; the scudding clouds warning of an incoming storm at the Jersey shore.

small worlds

Karl R. Olsen‘s “B”. 

small worlds 

Irma Shapiro‘s “It’s Just A Story“, acrylic. 

small worlds 

Susan DiProno‘s “Smokin’ Claudia III“, photo.  Bob Jackson talked to the crowd about the importance of excellent presentation, this piece tells the story with a simple frame, unobtrusive mat and non-glare glass not to mention the stunning composition. 

 small worlds 

Karen Frank’s, “Duck, Meet Unicorn“, prismacolor.  DoN LoVeS this one. 

 small worlds 

Lucy Pistilli, “Dream 2“, Pencil. 

small worlds

The winners circle at small Words @ The Plastic Club. 

 Bob Jackson  

Bob Jackson cooking delectable tidbits for the party on the new stove in the Plastic Club’s basement kitchen – YuMMy!!!