Karen Schechter is a relatively new member of the Photographic Society of Philadelphia but she is enjoying the society debut show at their new permanent showplace, Café Twelve, 212 S 12th St, Philadelphia 19107, in the heart of the Phillys famous Gayborhood, with great long walls to show art and an inviting casual vibe. DoN asked Karen how she felt about having a PSoP show? Its very nice because its the first one Ive had and I have another one coming up that Im hanging next week. One falling on the heels of the other is awesome. DoN commented on the style of the collection of photographs in the lounge area of the café, I work primarily in black and white but do some color, the first half of this show, which isnt up anymore was more color pieces. I go from muted color to extremely vibrant. Karen showed DoN a lovely close-up photograph of a hydrangea flower with its lurid red silkiness and delicate stamen.
Photographic Society of Philadelphia @ Cafe Twelve featuring Karen Schlechter
I used to do everything on film and sadly had to get rid of my dark room a couple years ago as I finally made the complete switch-over to digital; its sad but its convenient. I can go though things a lot quicker, I can process things a lot quicker. Schlechter is working with Photoshop, the dark room experience gave her a grounded background for using the digital tools. The collection of gear went to a friends daughter studying fine art photography. Its so nice to be able to sit in a coffee shop and go through my photos and go from there.
Karen Schlechter got involved with PSoP because she was previously a member of the Delaware County Camera Club, which had a different focus towards improvement of skills via competition as to the education bent of the Philly Society. I was missing the camaraderie and exchanging ideas. And it was a wonderful gift from my boyfriend.
Photographic Society of Philadelphia @ Cafe Twelve featuring Karen Schlechter
The Photographic Society of Philadelphia meets Second Tuesdays at Café Twelve; a wide array of photographs by Philadelphia fine art photographers and a solo show by featured photographer Karen Schlechter is on exhibit with new work being installed every other month. The evening DoN met Karen was rainy and miserable but sipping coffee and talking about photography with friends is worth wet feet.
Photos taken with DoN‘s iPhone.