Ebb & Flow, Sarah R. Bloom and Rosalind Bloom at Da Vinci Art Alliance
Ebb and Flow

Nature reclaims what is hers. Whether by destructive or creative measures, nature repurposes. In the two-woman exhibition, Ebb & Flow, abandoned spaces become renewing entities and collage landscapes become sites of infinite possibilities. Through photographs and mixed media collages, Ebb & Flow celebrates nature’s force and vitality. Sarah R. Bloom’s excursions to abandoned spaces capture growth among the rubble and hope amidst the decay of manmade structures.

By exploring these places and staging her photographs, Sarah R. Bloom forms a sense of kinship with the space and captures the comforting process of the earth reclaiming what is hers. Her photographs form a bridge to Rosalind Bloom’s work which presents natural elements abstracted into beautiful collages, the very work a repurposing of the old. Rosalind Bloom’s mixed-media collages of nature acknowledge and celebrate nature’s force, its antic energy, and its mystery. She restructures and reclaims the boundaries of the image, while demonstrating the inevitability of the earth reclaiming her space. Ebb & Flow reminds us that we are all here temporarily, and that nature will always prevail.

Ebb & Flow will be on view physically by-appointment February 18th – March 7th 2021 at Da Vinci Art Alliance and as a recorded video tour on the Da Vinci Art Alliance website.”
Sarah and I will have the opportunity to speak about the work during the Zoom session. We hope you can join us! Roz
Rosalind Bloom
collage and mixed media artist610-420-1733https://rosalindbloom.net
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