Location: Plastic Club, 247 S. Camac St., Philadelphia
Opening Reception: Saturday Sept 26th 6pm – 8pm
Reception and Presentation: Sunday September 27th 1pm – 4pm
The “Make Me Crazy Make Me Think” exhibition is the culmination of ten months of collaborative work by Karl Olsen and Kim Martin. The concept was to paint our individual self portraits together, side by side at the same time, on the same canvas. The process of painting “ourselves” in this relative setting, the work reflects those dynamics in subtle and sometimes dramatic ways. How we worked, discussed, and managed the totality of each painting was tense, thought provoking, stimulating and included continual compromise with individual and collective interpretation.The result was 11 highly differing pieces averaging 6′ x 6′.
Images courtesy of www.coldnose.org – Kim Martin’s website.