Mysterious, Group Photography Show at the Markeim Arts Center, Haddonfield NJ
Written and Photographed by Laura Storck
When I received an email last fall soliciting for pieces in the February group photography show at the Markeim Arts Center, I knew instantly without opening the message that I wanted to participate! Since joining the annual group photography shows at the Markeim in 2008, I’ve come to enjoy the thematic challenge that curator Norm Hinsey presents each photographer. The current show theme is “Mysterious“, in which artists were faced with presenting their most inexplicable photographs:
“Images submitted should be those that the photographer considers mysterious: the subject of the image is not what it appears to be at first glance; the photograph presents a mysterious narrative; or, the image is disorienting to the viewer in a mysterious manner.”
Every, Laura Storck
This challenge resulted in the culling of 50 unusual and perplexing images by more than 35 photographers. And the “Mysterious” exhibit itself pushes the envelope even further – By not having artists’ labels on the wall next to their respective pieces, viewers are charged with testing their powers of observation and deduction. As a result, this exciting photography show is both cerebrally stimulating and visually provocative. Fortunately, patrons are able to learn more about each piece and artist with a checklist that provides pertinent information for each image, artist, process, and the artist’s attribution toward the theme, if so desired.
Steamer Trunk, Bodie, Sandra Davis
Grace, Patrick Rodio
What I find most fascinating about each of the artists’ works is the multitudinous points-of-view from which mystery is perceived; it certainly runs the gamut in variety, opinion, and consciousness. Interestingly, the photographers in this group show chose to express their artistry in a variety of photographic processes, ranging from traditional anthotypes to digital inkjet prints, including a hybrid of both old and new techniques.
Crowded Crypt, Ed Snyder
Chemo Port, Wayne Klaw
As I have a strong interest in street art, I chose to showcase 2 photographs which I find mysterious, and rightfully so, as I haven’t been able to yet determine the story or source behind the origin of the respective creators. My rationale: Street art is far from static in the ever-changing urban landscape, and these impermanent physical works can quickly become nothing but a distant memory. However, street art and graffiti has escaped geographic and temporal constraints through the swift capture and sharing by way of photography and the internet. Street art can be buffed or dismantled in an instant, yet, once it’s been photographed it never truly disappears. The short lifespan of these works hardly matters anymore, as each piece can be seen simultaneously by the masses, and in turn, may inspire other similar actions.
Autumn Colors, Marianne Leone
Mysterious II, Elisabeth Bard
The photographers represented in the “Mysterious” show are: Aleja Estronza, Anne Boychuck, Anne R. Jorgensen, Anthony Malave, Bonnie Rovere, Cynthia Guerra, Daniel Anthony, Danielle Rochford, Denis Sivack, Ed Snyder, Elisabeth Bard, Ellie Wright, Gary Koenitzer, Harry Stainrook, Heather JM Siple, Joan Wheeler, John F. McAdams, Joseph Gilchrist, Laura Storck, Lionel Goodman, Lori Jo Jamieson, Maggie McCutcheon, Marianne Leone, Michael Anthony Spitz, Pat Fitzgerald, Patricia S. Worley, Patrick J. Rodio, Richard Montemurro, Ruth Haines, Samuel Vovsi, Sandra C. Davis, Sue Reehm, Susan Spitz, Valerie Williams, Vera Resnik, Wayne Klaw, Whit McGinley.
Sandra Davis with her photograph, Steamer Trunk, Bodie
“Mysterious” is open to the public February 3 – February 28, 2015.
Markeim Arts Center is a nonprofit community art center founded in 1956. Markeim offers programs for the entire family including a yearlong schedule of exhibitions, musical performances, studio classes and art camps. Now over 50 years later, the renovation of the gallery and development of expanded programs and services for artists ensures that the Markeim Arts Center will continue to fulfill its commitment to the community.
Patrons at Mysterious, Markeim Arts Center
Norm Hinsey is a photographer as well as director of CREON Gallery in New York City. He has curated several shows at the Markeim Arts Center, including INSPIRATION, ALL NATURAL, EYE OF THE BEHOLDER, and PORTRAIT. In 2009, Norm Hinsey founded CREON, a gallery which presents a diverse and serendipitous mix of events in a Gramercy/Flat Iron hideaway location.
Patrons at Mysterious, Markeim Arts Center
Norm Hinsey, CREON Gallery 238 East 24 St, 1B New York, NY 10010 646.265.5508
Markeim Arts Center, 104 Walnut Street, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 856-429-8585
Executive Director Liz Madden of Markeim Arts Center
Written and Photographed by Laura Storck
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