Artists explore the internal contradictions, hidden meaning, and implicit ideologies of language Glassboro NJ: Rowan University Art Gallery presents Dialogic a multi-media group exhibition of work by artists that explore the internal contradictions, hidden meaning and implicit ideologies of language as a critical component of their practice from September 3 through October 8 – 8 pm followed by a spoken word event at 8:30 pm. Both events are free and open to the public.
Curated by Gallery Director, Mary Salvante, the exhibition includes work by Jenny Holzer, Glenn Ligon, Jaume Plensa, Lesley Dill, John Giorno, Keith Brand, Erik den Breejen, DataSpaceTime, Bang Geul Han, Barbara Hashimoto, Meg Hitchcock, Dawn Kramlich, Melanie McLain, Ben Pranger, Buy Shaver, Chris Vecchio and Sue White. How language is perceived, communicated, and translated is informed by the visual qualities and symbolic power of the texts, words, and poetic phrasings incorporated into the video, sound-scapes, interactive tech-works, sculpture, paintings and works on paper included in this exhibition.
Works by Jenny Holzer, Glenn Ligon, Buy Shaver, and Dawn Kramlich reproduce text as aphorisms, precepts, and dictums to influence the thoughts and actions of the viewer. John Giorno’s ground breaking Dial-A-Poem project, Keith Brand’s exterior soundscape, Melanie McLain’s performative video, DataSpaceTime’s QR code mural, Bang Geul Han’s motion activated video and Chris Vecchio‘s public art action and interactive works focus on the physical and aural complexities of language. The sculpture, paintings, works on paper, and installations by Lesley Dill, Jaume Plensa, Barbara Hashimoto, Meg Hitchcock, Erik den Breejen, Ben Pranger and Sue White deconstruct and recontextualize language through reimagining systems of communication found in advertisements, books, braille, poetry, Morse code and scripture.
Admission to the gallery is free and open to the public. Regular gallery hours are Monday – Friday, 10 am to 5 pm (with extended hours on Wednesdays to 7 pm); and Saturday, 12 to 5 pm. For more information, call 856-256-4521 or visit Rowan University Art Gallery is located on the lower level of Westby Hall on the university campus, Route 322 in Glassboro, NJ. A public reception will be held on Thursday, September 12, 5:30.
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