Together, ARTsisters Group Exhibit at Da Vinci Art Alliance
ARTsisters will have a group exhibit titled Together at Da Vinci Art Alliance, 704 Catharine Street in South Philadelphia from November 17 – 24, 2019. The Opening Reception on November 17, 1:00 -3:00PM, free and open to the public.
Together is a group exhibition by the ARTsisters, an organization of professional artists in the Philadelphia area who empower each other and the community through art. They collaborate on upcoming shows, and work with nonprofit organizations to give back to their community. The ARTsisters are united through their common goals of commitment to making art, dedication to inspiring each other and sharing knowledge, showing new work, and dedication to community artists.
In 2005 Linda Dubin Garfield realized that her long-time friend and fellow artist Leslie DeBrocky functioned as more than a friend when it came to art— she was really an ARTsister, one who knew the process and understood the challenges of a professional artist. Together they created ARTsisters. It is their belief that the collective energy generated, motivated and inspired by professional women artists creates synergy. They share their creative spirit to benefit the community through exhibitions, special projects, workshops and art donations.
The ARTsisters are: Ellen Abraham, Sandra Benhaim, Priscilla Bohlen, Edwina Brennan, Ginny Conniver, Marge Feldman, Linda Dubin Garfield, Linnie Greenberg, Jenn Hallgren, Louise Herring, Rachel Isaac, Mary Kane, Karen Liebman, Sandi Neiman Lovitz, Laurie Lamont Murray, Marjie Lewis Quint, Elynne Rosenfeld , Monique Sarkessian, Edna Santiago, Deb K Simon, Susan Stefanski, Nancy Freeman Tabas, Blanche Levitt Torphy, Marcia Goldner Treiger, and Florence Weisz.
Linda Dubin Garfield, Ed.D.
printmaker/mixed media artist/blogger
610.649.3174 610.256.6037 cell
www.lindadubingarfield.comwww.artsisters.org– Founder
www.davinciartalliance.org – Board Member
www.smARTbusinessconsulting.org– Founder
blogs: The ART of Travel – www.lindadubingarfield.blogspot.com
Thank you to Linda Dubin Garfield for the content of this post.
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