Natural Flow, the Paintings of Gerry Tuten, John Thornton Films
“Through March 12, 2016, The Wayne Art Center is hosting a dazzling exhibition of landscape based abstractions by metalsmith turned painter Gerry Tuten. Although these paintings have echoes of DeKooning, Tàpies, Soutine, Cy Twombley, and the late garden paintings of Monet, they remain resolutely her own.” – John Thornton
The purpose of The Wayne Art Center is to provide both instruction in the studio, and to build appreciation of the visual and performing arts through our many exhibits, lectures and programs. The Center affords artists an interdisciplinary venue to share, learn, exhibit and perform. Specifically, The Wayne Art Center carries out its mission in the following ways:
- By providing instruction in all phases of the fine arts, contemporary crafts, music, culinary arts and drama.
- By offering exhibitions, performances and special events for artists and community of the greater Main Line area and Delaware Valley.
- By reaching out to our community with instructional programs for persons with special needs. These programs use art for therapeutic value.
- By providing a gathering place for artists and students to both share and lend support toward improving the cultural climate.
“My painting is a venture inside and outside of myself seeking freshness and change. I thrive on challenge, action and awakening in my painting. I am intensely curious, exploring the micro and macro levels of the natural ecology. When the image begins to “break up” or erupt, my excitement rises. I transfer this excitement and freedom to the viewer through movement, color and texture of paint over surfaces. Here in the process of painting I allow myself to break all the rules. Trusting my intuition I can let go of the “work of art”. The painting is just a place to free myself – to surrender to process. The medium of paint speaks stronger than words. Clarity is distilled out of movement and change. The paintings come as gifts.
The elements of earth, water, fire, air and space give form to all life and play a prominent role in my inspiration. By exploring organic natural forms and the visceral textures of paint with spontaneity and freedom I play at mark-making and application while trying to stay ahead of my grasping mind. Through close observation my art explores imagery living in the natural world – insects, birds, reptiles, mammals, plants, trees, flowers and minerals in a myriad ways. I am overcome by the abundance and beauty of nature. If I can allow my paintings to run free then I can find delight and joy.
My aim is a constant search for subtle and not so subtle energies in our visual world as well as the tension between things and expression. Painting is a way for me to move through life having a relationship with the Beloved. The paintings are the record I leave behind of my journey into spirit. They are in gratitude for my life. – Gerry Tuten, June 2015
The Wayne Art Center
413 Maplewood Ave., Wayne, PA 19087
610-688-3553 · 610-995-0478 fax
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