Linda Dubin Garfield’s Solo Exhibit Benefits Women International Leadership
In 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe, Linda Dubin Garfield cancelled her travel plans and instead spent time reminiscing about her past travels. In a typical year, Garfield travels during the summer months and returns home to create artworks using the impressions left by these landscapes and cultures. Garfield has spent decades creating mixed media collages inspired by her travels to 37 countries on every continent. Instead of traveling this year, she spent her time working on a new body of mixed media work that reflects on the memories associated with her past expeditions.
Footprints: Travel Landscapes is a selection of new work by the artist, curated like a map that touches each of the 7 continents she has visited. The Da Vinci Art Alliance, 704 Catharine Street opening/birthday party is May 13, 5- 8 PM. The exhibit runs until May 30. For appointments visit www.davinciartalliance.org/footprints.There will also be a virtual opening and exhibit at the DVAA website.

In lieu of birthday gits, Linda asks the people make a donation to Women international Leaders at www.will-pa.org whose mission is to
invest in underserved women globally who take the lead in becoming self-sufficient, elevating their families and communities. A percentage of sales will also benefit WIL.
Linda Dubin Garfield’s abstract and dynamic works use multiple layers of ink that waver between background and foreground to create a fusion of surface design and abstract expressionism. Using hand-pulled printmaking techniques, photography, collage and digital imaging, she explores the mystery of memory and the magic of place, inviting viewers to observe the world through her “mind’s eye.”

Linda Dubin Garfield is an award-winning printmaker, the founder of ARTsisters and smART business consulting, and sits on the board of several nonprofits. She also offers memoir art-making workshops at several organizations like Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Centers for Older Adults, Simpson House and Atria Senior Living. Linda Dubin Garfield has hosted charitable birthday celebrations since the untimely death of her dear friend 15 years ago. In lieu of birthday gifts each year, Garfield collects donations for nonprofits that she supports and that match her annual art theme. Some charities are Family Support Services, Locks of Love, Women in Leadership, Breastcancer,org, and the Dementia Society. She has raised over $15,000 for various charities since 2006. ###
Linda Dubin Garfield, Ed.D.
printmaker/mixed media artist/blogger she/her 610.256.6037 cell
www.lindadubingarfield.comwww.artsisters.org– Founder
www.davinciartalliance.org – Board Memberwww.smARTbusinessconsulting.org– Founder
blogs: The ART of Travel – www.lindadubingarfield.blogspot.com
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