But Is It Art? Ninth Annual Community Juried Art Show at Off the Wall Gallery at Dirty Frank’s, NE Corner 13th and Pine Streets, Philadelphia. June 1st through August 1st, 2014. Opening Reception June 5th, 7:00 – 10:00pm.
Artists were asked to present work that did not include photography or digital media. Over forty artists submitted more than 100 images and two sentence artist statements. I had the honor to sit on a panel with and amazing group of Philly artists including photographer Veronika Schmude, director Jena Serbu, Philly Poet Laureate Frank Sherlock and artist/curator Jody Sweitzer. Togo Travalia read the artist statements while we looked at digital images several times on a big screen TV.
Narrowing down a show to meet the theme took several hours with a lot of debate about what was art and what wasn’t. The artist statements were interesting, I must say. There were a lot of ellipses, incomplete thoughts or run-on sentences. I would suggest artists write a two sentence elevator pitch and practice reading it out loud. You never know who’s going to get on the elevator with you. A poet? A director? A photographer? A curator? A blogger?
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