
Serious Play, ARTsisters, Center on the HillResilient Retreat, monotype by Linda Dubin Garfield

Center on the Hill8855 Germantown AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19118 invites you to SERIOUS PLAY, a group exhibition featuring artwork by ARTsisters Priscilla Bohlen, Linda Dubin Garfield, Karen Leibman and Ruth WolfUsing a variety of styles and media, these artists make you smile and make you think. The exhibit will run November 1- 26, 2014Center on the Hill Gallery is open to the public Monday – Friday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

ARTsisters is a group of professional women artists who empower each other and the community through their artARTsisters was founded in December 2005, by Linda Dubin Garfield who realized that her long-time friend and fellow artist Leslie DeBrocky (since deceased) functioned as more than a friend when it came to discussing and helping with her art. She was really an ARTsister, one who understood the process and could really understand the highs and lows involved with the challenges of a professional artist. Together they opened membership to other women and, through word of mouth, now have 24 members and an email list of more than 75 interested women artists. Sharing resources and offering support to each other, the members now have shown, both individually and in groups,  including shows in Chestnut Hill, Old City, Manayunk, Wayne, Wynnewood, the Wilmington Arts Commission in Delaware, the Widener University Art Gallery and the City of Philadelphia Board of Ethics. This spring ARTsisters will have their 10th Anniversary ART Show at Jenkins Arboretum.

Some of the non-profits we have collaborated with include: Adopt A Pig, Endow-A-Home, Philadelphia FIGHT, Juvenile Diabetes, The Cancer Support Community (formerly The Wellness Community of Philadelphia), The Food Trust, The Heart Association, Child Advocates and Laurel House.”

For more information, visit

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