Counterpoint: A Visual Duet, Susan Richards and Melvin Chappell, Center on the Hill, The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill
Melvin A. Chappell, Photographer and Susan Richards, Mixed Media at Center on the Hill, The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill, 8855 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA, 19118 215-843-5018 or 215-247-885
November 6th through November 29th. Artist Reception: Friday, November 6th, 5:00 – 7:00pm
Photographer, Melvin A. Chappell has had a long-time passion for photographing the Wissahickon Valley in its natural beauty throughout the seasons. The reception will include a booking signing of his newly released book on the Valley.
Susan Richards, a mixed-media artist, will be exhibiting a new body of work that incorporates collage, monoprints, found objects, and water color in unexpected juxtapositions. Richards is a member of the Philadelphia Dumper Divers.
Both are members of Da Vinci Art Alliance.
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