California wildfires and female empowerment fuel immersive exhibition on climate change and gender equality.
Exhibition extended to host
Climate Reality presentation and panel discussion on November 20th
followed by One Tree Planted planting a tree for every person who attends.
Girl in the Garden: Danger in Paradise
A solo exhibition by Amie Potsic
Presented by: HOT•BED | James Oliver Gallery & Amie Potsic Art Advisory, LLC
Through November 20, 2019
Saturday, November 16, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
TO RSVP: https://www.amiepotsicartadvisory.com/events/2019/11/16/girl-in-the-garden-closing-reception

CLIMATE REALITY PRESENTATION AND PANEL: Wednesday, November 20, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
“The Story of Art and Climate: Creating Change Through Art & Action”
Artist Panel Discussion featuring: Amie Potsic, Ana Vizcarra Rankin, Marguerita Hagan & Deirdre Murphy
24 Hours of Reality Presentations by: Al Morales and Alana Morales
Scientific Presentation by:Dr. Erik Cordes, Professor & Vice Chair, Ecology and Integrative Biology, Temple University and Alexis Weinnig, Graduate Student, Department of Biology, Temple University

Location:HOT•BED, 723 Chestnut St, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106, 267-918-7432
Gallery Hours:
Wednesday – Friday 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Saturdays 1:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Other times by appointment
Admission is free
Inquiries and information:
Amie Potsic, Artist
amie@amiepotsicartadvisory.com | www.amiepotsic.com | 610-731-6312
Chelsea Markowitz, PR
chelsea@projectcmc.com | 856-404-4677
Anais Cooper-Hackman, Gallery
anais@hotbedphilly.com | jamesolivergallery@gmail.com | 267-918-7432
Presented in partnership with:
Philadelphia, PA – Hot Bed and James Oliver Gallery, located at 723 Chestnut St, Second Floor, Philadelphia, PA presents Girl in the Garden: Danger in Paradise, a solo exhibition featuring renowned photographer and installation artist Amie Potsic. With a focus on climate change, California wildfires, and gender equality, the exhibition includes a new large-scale silk installation, photographic prints, and mixed media works. In addition to the exhibition, HOT•BED will host a Climate Reality Presentation and Artist Panel Discussion, after which One Tree Planted will plant a tree for every person that attends. The exhibition is on view from September 14 through November 20. There will be a Closing Reception with the artist on Saturday, November 16 from 2:00 – 5:00pm. The Climate Reality Event will be on Wednesday, November 20 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Both events are free and open to the public and rsvp is encouraged. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Friday from 5:00 – 8:00 PM and Saturday from 1:00 – 8:00 PM or by appointment.

Girl in the Garden: Danger in Paradise is a solo exhibition of new work by Amie Potsic addressing climate change through the complex viewpoints of girlhood, deforestation, and Magical Realism. With site-specific installations, photographs, and mixed media works, Potsic collaborates with HOT•BED, a unique fine art and horticulture gallery, to produce an incarnate exploration of female identity, the forested lifeblood of our planet, and the fate of humankind.
“In tandem with the incredible upsurge in Climate Change activism and brave examples set by youth leading the charge, this exhibition delves into the complexity and opportunities involved in the issues and provides paths for action,” says Amie Potsic.
After photographing her daughter in the lush forests of the northeastern United States, the artist traveled to Paradise, California and surrounding forests (located upwind from her extended family’s home) to photograph the complete devastation caused by the deadliest wildfire in the state’s history. Personal experience underscoring the urgency of climate change, Potsic intertwines visions of girlhood in a magical environment with nature’s unprecedented destruction caused by wildfires.
Unfortunately, the number and severity of wildfires in California continues to grow with recent fires burning out of control as recently as one week ago. Harnessing the power of imagination and urgency, Potsic’s work is a call to action. Visitors will find shared resources for taking environmental action in their own lives.
The exhibition has been extended to host a discussion and presentation on the positive impact of the arts on the Climate Change movement and how creativity and storytelling can create change: “The Story of Art and Climate: Creating Change Through Art & Action.”As part of the 24 Hours of Reality, an international day of Climate presentations offered by Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, HOT•BED will host an artist panel discussion and climate presentations with scientific experts. One Tree Planted has committed to planting one tree for every attendee at this presentation.
The artist panel will include Amie Potsic, Ana Vizcarra Rankin, Marguerita Hagan, and Deirdre Murphy. Each artist’s work looks at climate change from a unique perspective: Potsic deals with deforestation and wildfires, Rankin addresses human migration and humanity’s impact on the planet, Hagan explores ocean life and interrelated ecosystems, while Murphy integrates scientific experimentation and bird migration.
Climate Reality Presenters, Al Morales and his 17-year-old daughter Alana Morales, are presenters trained by Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. They will provide facts and opportunities highlighting the impact of climate change on the planet and humanity.
Dr. Erik Cordes, Professor & Vice Chair of Ecology and Integrative Biology at Temple University and Alexis Weinnig, a graduate student in the Department of Biology at Temple University will share information on their research, which focuses on understanding the areas of the deep sea that support the highest biomass communities: deep-water coral reefs, natural hydrocarbon seeps, and hydrothermal vents.
On November 20–21, the world is coming together to talk about the climate crisis with:
24 Hours of Reality: Truth in Action: https://www.24hoursofreality.org/
One Tree Planted has committed to planting one tree for everyone that attends one of the international presentations: https://onetreeplanted.org/
Amie Potsic, MFA is an accomplished photographer and installation artist living in the Philadelphia area whose work addresses cultural, personal, and natural phenomena through the lens of climate change and social responsibility. Potsic has exhibited her work internationally at the Art Park in Rhodes, Greece; Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Colombia; Medfoundart di Cagliari, Italy; the Royal College of London; the Museum of New Art in Detroit; The Woodmere Art Museum, The National Constitution Center Museum, The Painted Bride and James Oliver Gallery in Philadelphia; Mission 17 in San Francisco; and 626 Gallery in Los Angeles. Her work has been published in The San Francisco Chronicle, Art Matters, The Photo Review, and The Philadelphia Inquirer. Potsic received her MFA in Photography from the San Francisco Art Institute and BA’s in Photojournalism and English Literature from Indiana University. She has held faculty appointments at the University of California at Berkeley, Ohlone College, and the San Francisco Art Institute and has been a guest lecturer at The University of the Arts, Ursinus College, and The International Center of Photography.
Potsic is currently the CEO and Principal of Amie Potsic Art Advisory, LLC providing visionary and advisory support to artists, collectors, businesses, and institutions with expertise in Legacy Planning and Fine Art Appraisals. She is also Chair of the Art in City Hall Artistic Advisory Board to the Office of Arts and Culture of the City of Philadelphia.
Bridging James Oliver’s (James Oliver Gallery) eye for contemporary art and Bryan Hoffman’s (Hoffman Design Group) passion for horticulture design, HOT•BED is an ultra-collaborative gallery and event space that explores the relationship between our intrinsic connection to nature (biophilia) and art in new and exciting ways.
HOT•BED andJames Oliver Gallery, located at 723 Chestnut St, Second Floor, Philadelphia, PA present Girl in the Garden: Danger in Paradise, a solo exhibition featuring renowned photographer and installation artist Amie Potsic with a focus on climate change and gender identity. The exhibition runs from September 14 through November 20. The exhibition will host a Closing Reception on Saturday, November 16 from 2:00 – 5:00 PM and a Climate Reality Event on Wednesday, November 20 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM.
For more information, please contact Amie Potsic at amie@amiepotsicartadvisory.com or 610-731-6312 or Chelsea Markowitz at chelsea@projectcmc.com or 856-404-4677.
Thank you to Amie Potsic for the content of this post.
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