Mimi Lien, 2015 MacArthur Genius Grant,
Philadelphia Festival of the Arts 2016
Congratulations! Exciting news about the Philadelphia Festival of the Arts (PIFA 2016) newly announced set designer Mimi Lien. September 2015 she was awarded a 2015 MacArthur Genius Grant alongside performing arts titans such as Lin Manuel Mirand. You may recall, Ms. Lien designed the 81-ft. tall replica of the Eiffel Tower that was in the Kimmel Center’s Commonwealth Plaza for PIFA 2013. She has also made contributions to the Philadelphia arts scene designing sets for the Pennsylvania Ballet, The Wilma Theater, and Pig Iron Theater Company.
Now Mimi Lien has been selected by The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts as the designer for the massive lobby exhibit that will serve as the centerpiece for PIFA 2016 (Philadelphia Festival of the Arts). The PIFA 2016 design will be a large-scale, interactive art installation that will be on display throughout the Festival. More details about PIFA will be announced in October and details about Lien’s design will be unveiled later this fall.
The Wall Street Journal on Mimi Lien:
“Mimi Lien, 39, is a set designer for theater, opera and dance in New York who draws on architectural training to create large immersive sets that wash over the audience as well as traditional scenes bounded by the proscenium. From pictures of decadence to those of stark simplicity, Ms. Lien’s sets amplify the work of those on her stages. For more information about Lien visit her website www.mimilien.com”
According to the MacArthur Foundation:
“The grant is a “no strings attached” award of $625,000 (paid in installments over five years) that is given directly to individuals rather than to support specific projects or institutions. In other words, recipients are not expected to produce specific work and are not evaluated by the foundation during the grant period. Instead, the award is “an investment in a person’s originality, insight and potential,” the foundation writes on its website. “The purpose of the MacArthur Fellows Program is to enable recipients to exercise their own creative instincts for the benefit of human society.”
PIFA 2016
April 8 – April 23, 2016
“A city-wide, 15-day celebration of art and community, PIFA 2016 showcases innovation and a breadth of local and international performances and installations. With events ranging from a living, participatory paper jungle to a jaw-dropping fire installation and everything in between, the festival will kick off with over 50 events across genres and will conclude with the celebrated PIFA Street Fair, providing an incredible day of fun and festivities for the entire family. From the expected, PIFA creates the unexpected. And from our own city, it takes us someplace wholly new. Visit kimmelcenter.org for more information.”
Thank you to Laura Krebs Miller, Vice President, Cashman & Associates for the content of this post.
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