The Center for Emerging Visual Artists
Calling all Creatives: Register for the Philadelphia Open Studio Tours
October 6: West | October 7: Northwest | October 13: Northeast | October 14: South
PHILADELPHIA, PA. This October join us for the 19th annual Philadelphia Open Studio Tours (POST) presented by The Center for Emerging Visual Artists(CFEVA). Over four days, hundreds of artists and community partners will open their doors in over twenty neighborhoods to highlight their unique contributions to the city of Philadelphia.
POST is a behind-the-scenes look at a day in the life of a visual artist as well as a community building initiative designed to strengthen bonds within the visual artist sector, fostering meaningful interaction between artists and the public, and promoting a greater awareness for the creative minds that make Philadelphia a vibrant place to live, work, and visit. The program spotlights the vitality of Philadelphia’s visual arts scene and underscores the important contributions artists make to our city’s economic and civic life.
POST provides attendees with a rare glimpse at the creative process in an approachable and easy-to-navigate, self-guided tour. Activities include: studio visits, hands-on demonstrations, workshops, artist discussions, receptions, guided tours, and featured exhibitions. No other open studio event in the region provides a rich and diverse cultural experience to the public.
To learn more about POST and how you can get involved as an artist, volunteer, or sponsor, visit or contact
Tweet: Put your studio on the map this October with POST, the region’s largest open studio tour! #POSTPHL #POST2018
Tremain Smith Studio, Photo by Genevieve Coutroubis
With of mission to cultivate, nurture, and advance the careers of emerging visual artists while simultaneously expanding opportunities for the public to discover and connect with art, CFEVA’s services are designed to: raise the profile of Philadelphia’s professional artists, foster artistic experimentation and innovation, and showcase how vibrant artistic communities boost cultural tourism and foster economic development. Through fellowships, residencies, educational outreach, exhibitions, professional development, and city-wide events, CFEVA provides artists with the tangible resources needed to develop viable and sustainable careers.
Thank you to Julia Fox the content of this post.
Contact: Julia Fox, The Center for Emerging Visual Artists,
(215) 5467775 x 13,
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