Holiday Bazaar, ID8

IDEATE Holiday Bazaar, Art Show and Sale

IDEATE, Sherman Mills Art Center, 3502 Scotts Lane, building 16, suite 1616, East Falls, PA.

Saturday, December 17th, 10:00am – 4:00pm

Participating artists include award winners, Jameir Andrews, Tyrike Brown, Alonzo Troy Humphrey, Oranit Solomonov and musician Mel G. The IDEATErs having been preparing holiday themed gifts, greeting cards, artwork, housewares, furniture and even a new music CD for this festive open studio.

Jameir Andrews is an award winning painter, creating vibrant colorful abstract patterns on canvas. His recognizable style has gained him a strong following, if you’re a collector, now is a great opportunity to expand your collection or start a new one. Jamier’s body of work is expansive – buy several for a great art display for your home.

IDEATE Holiday Bazaar Art Sale

Tyrike Brown is a poet. The poignant emotion and sentiment his words express are printed on unique custom greeting cards with a distinct esthetic of an old soul in a youthful man. Not only does Tyrike write, he works with Illustrator to create designs that are then cut into rich papers with delightful surprises peaking through the openings.

IDEATE Holiday Bazaar Art Sale

Alonzo Troy Humphrey is currently showing work in three downtown galleries but currently his solo show, SCORE!!!, installed in the studio represents a career spanning exhibition of his drawings installed and curated by head IDEATEr Kaelynne. Alonzo’s work includes African, Southern, transportation and animal themed artworks. But his drawings of figures of the Black Cowboy, the lady in the rocking chair and African chiefs are mesmerizing. If you’re a collector now is the time to buy since everything is less than $20.! Alonzo’s greeting cards depicting happy or grumpy Santa are signed and numbered, perfect for framing. Or give them to your kids to color.

IDEATE Holiday Bazaar Art Sale

Oranit Solomonov is an award winning outsider artist who has created a series of hand colored Hanukkah cards that are very special and suitable for framing. The holiday cards are limited edition, signed and numbered and would make great gifts that your friends will cherish. Oranit has created custom decorated Mary Jane slippers that are one of a kind. Stylish prints, drawings and paintings are for sale, too.

IDEATE Holiday Bazaar Art Sale

Artwork and crafts by members of the IDEATE team will be on display, exhibiting the skills, talents and empathic abilities of the extraordinary group that makes the world of art more open and welcoming than you can imagine.

Located in Sherman Mills Art Center the team of Social Practice artists referred to as IDEATErs turn career goals into real work. The studio/office serves as a hub towards including artists with cognitive disabilities in the wider community by running an art business. The talented team helps to develop inherent artistic talents for those who want to work in the world of art. Art is a hard job, it’s not just about creating beautiful work, getting the artwork in front of the public takes a team willing to take risks and push boundaries.

“IDEATE is an inclusive employment organization dedicated to providing trauma-informed support to individuals with barriers to getting and sustaining earning opportunities. Our mission is to support our clients to identify and retain person-tailored occupations. We want to redefine “work,” one person at a time while leveling the playing field using technology. In order to support our clients in person-tailored work, our fundamental approach focuses on empowerment, choice, safety, trustworthiness, and collaboration. We seek to identify any barriers and overcome them by building inclusive employment solutions. Our practice is designed to support self-actualization and inclusion. We do this by offering support in community-based employment, including customized employment, alternative staffing, a deep-dive into technology-based accommodations and the development of formalized innovative practices wherein the individuals can cultivate natural supports especially in careers where our participants are under-represented.” – RHD

Visit IDEATE at Sherman Mills, your holidays will be happier and happier.

Written by DoN Brewer

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