Daily Archives: October 20, 2018


Smoke and Bullets

Smoke and Bullets, Steven Spazuk / Frederico Uribe,

Old City Jewish Arts Center

Meet Fire Artist Steven Spazuk | Zippo Flame Art

Artist Federico Uribe Turns Death into Living Beauty

Smoke and Bullets E-catalog

Smoke and Bullets, Steven Spazuk / Federico Uribe

Adelson Galleries presents our second Pop-up exhibition, Smoke and Bullets, at the Old City Jewish Art Center (OCJAC). The group exhibition juxtaposes two very different artists: Steven Spazuk and Federico Uribe, who have each found their artistic voice through separate and unconventional media

October 4th-28th, 2018

Old City Jewish Art Center, 119 N 3rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

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American Leisure, Gravy Studio

American Leisure

Matt Hurst, Lauren Klein, Katie Reynolds, Katie Tackman, and Jesse Todd at gravy.

November 2nd – December 1st, 2018

Opening Reception:  First Friday November 2nd, 6 – 10pm, Gravy Studio & Gallery, 910 N. 2ND Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123 · 267.825.7071

American Leisure, Gravy Studio

Jesse Todd

This collection follows five Philadelphia-based photographers who’ve traveled near and far, from places such as the shore towns of Wildwood, NJ and Atlantic City, NJ to Williams, Arizona and Miami Beach, FL, searching for inspiration in the leisurely and recreational activities that define the American consciousness.

American Leisure, Gravy Studio

Katie Reynolds

Images of mid-century motels and diners, rodeos, carnivals, and classic cars, seen through the eyes of photographers Matt Hurst, Katie Reynolds, Katie Tackman, Jesse Todd, and Lauren Todd, populate American Leisure.

American Leisure, Gravy Studio

Katie Tackman

Inspired by the work of John Baeder, Robert Frank, William Eggleston, and Robert Adams this series of 35mm and 120 film photographs offer a glimpse at how average Americans spend their time and providing a link between the past and present.

American Leisure, Gravy Studio

Matt Hurst

Additional American Leisure events:

South Broad St. Photo Walk: November 17th

Artist Talk/ Movie Event: December 1st at 1pm

Open Hours: Saturdays 1-5pm

Sponsors: Powers Whiskey and Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company

American Leisure, Gravy Studio

Laurin Klein

“Gravy started in 2011 by Drexel photography program alumni Emma Stern, Katie Tackman, and Benjamin Riley in a motorcycle warehouse space in Fishtown. Since then Gravy Studio + Gallery has grown to include six members and functions as a collaborative photography workspace and gallery located on 2nd Street in the Northern Liberties neighborhood of Philadelphia. Our goal is to serve as a multi-functional space that promotes the discussion and advancement of photography as an art form. As one of the only photography-based galleries in Philadelphia, we strive to support local photographers through gallery exhibitions, events, artist talks, and workshops. We are an artist-owned gallery collective which fosters an equal dialogue between curator and artist. We strive to connect with the community through open dialogue about social, political, and artistic ideas filtered through the lens of photography. The rest is Gravy.” – Gravy

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